To eliminate skin irritation, redness, acne scars and Pimple- Trimeric Gel
Turmeric has around 4000 years old history in holistic healing, it has settled upset stomachs, healed colds and disinfected wounds. Turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components. It has also battled acne, turned around sun-damaged complexions, blessed brides with radiance and basically it has gained the status of one of the best products for skin and health related benefits. Ayurvedic experts also use turmeric as their one of the important products for the health and skin diseases. Therefore, every reputable cosmetic company has given turmeric a due respect. There have been many products like creams, scrubs, gels, masks etc., which are made by turmeric. Henceforth, its benefits are quite inevitable which are skin brightening, unclog clogged pores, minimizes pores, heals wounds, reduces acne scars, provides natural skin glow, etc. That’s why, we strongly recommend it for pimples and scars. Anti-Aging Face Mask – Best For Wrinkles and Scars
How to Make at Home?
Take 2 tbsp of turmeric powder, add 1 tbsp of honey and mix them quite well to form a smooth paste. If you have dry skin, then add oil to the above mixture. And if you have oily skin, then add 1tbsp of lemon juice or 2tbsp of yogurt to create a creamy mixture. Apply the mask to your face and neck. And leave it for 15-20 minutes. Use a warm wet cloth to remove the mask. In order to get extra skin glow, apply this gel three times in a week. Get Rid of Acne, Pimples and Pores on Skin
Gloss Turmeric Gel:
Mariam Omer Farooq has worked on the benefits of turmeric and has made a fine gel for face. She calls it Gloss Turmeric Gel. It is a startling gel that activates with Hyaluronic and Glycolic serum. Moreover, it is infused with organic Aloe Vera Gel to remove impurities, brighten skin, minimize pores, remove acne scars and marks, heal wounds and keep the skin clean, healthy and shiny. In addition, its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties pack a punch when it comes to combating acne-causing bacteria and taking the gunk out of clogged pores. It is a 100% organic gel which is a mixture of amazing ingredients as mentioned above. Our experts have blended all the ingredients in a way that they all provide their maximum benefits. Order Now!
Essential Benefits:
• Reduces Acne
• Sooths Irritation
• Smooths Dry Skin
• Brightens Skin
• Restores Natural skin Glow
• Treats Uneven Skin Tone
• Lightens Dark Spots & Patches
• Fades Acne Marks and Scars
Take a little amount of gel, apply all over your face and leave for several hours. We recommend to use it twice a day for smooth and better results.