Love Glow Serum ~ For Brightening and Glowing Skin
Love Glow Serum ~ For Brightening and Glowing Skin
Love Glow is made up of 100% organic ingredients and provides many benefits to the skin, some of them are as below:
- Naturally Brightens Skin
- Increases Collagen Production
- Best Anti-oxidants
- Fades acne & scars, blemishes, and discoloration
Note: Use sunblock in case of sun exposure.
Love Glow is a lightweight serum that contains a higher concentration of molecules that easily penetrates into the skin. A good amount of Alpha Tochophero (Vitamin E) enhances collagen production that reduces aging, acne, and acne scars fades pigmentation, and provides intense glowing skin from the inside out.
Say A BIG NO to the following:
- NO to UV RAYS ~ Use Sunblock
- NO cheap CAPSULES while Bleaching
Ingredients: Lemon extracts, Rose extract, and Alpha tochopherol (vitamin E).
Directions: Wash your face and neck with any good cleanser. Apply 5 – 6 drops of serum on a little wet skin and let it absorb.